Body Armours Athlete Program – What is it?
Our premium recovery and performance products are not only used to elevate recovery and performance but its proceeds from sales which we are calling BAD (Body Armour Dollars) are reinvested into the affiliate and its athletes.
‘Why’ its good to be BAD
Firstly, because the founders of Body Armour drank hard from the CrossFit Kool-Aid and never looked back.
We are extremely grateful and fortunate to have experienced success with our premium recovery & performance offering to the Australian market and this has opened up an opportunity for us to contribute and give back to our Australian wide CrossFit community. Unlike many of our competitors, instead of just providing products to create shareholder returns (and often overseas shareholders) we decided to create a program that truly partners with affiliate owners and your members in the pursuit of our community development.
How BAD works
Upon the affilates purchase of every single order of Body Armour Clean Energy 330ml cans and/or Body Armour Hydrate & Recovery 330ml cans, $1 for every can in the order is held into your affiliate account.
e.g. 1 Carton = 24 Cans = $24 BAD
These dollars or Body Armour Dollars (BAD) accumulate over a period of 4 months and are made visible to the affiliate members. The end result, the BAD are spent by the members towards the development of the community.
Sign Up
Through very simple registration on the portal, the member confirms their allegiance to the affiliate and becomes an active member of the Body Armour Athlete Program. The registration will ensure each member is kept up to date with all progress, provide visibility to the affiliate's accumulated BAD, and enable their voting capability “Spend or Save”
The BAD will continue to accumulate over a period of 4 months. At the end of each month, all affiliate members registered in the program will receive a report providing full transparency on the BAD accumulated. The BAD will be saved and with complete transparency be visible to each affiliate member. Through the voting process, affiliate members will decide whether to spend or save and carry it over to the following 4 months.
The BAD will accumulate over a period of 4 months, always visible to all affiliate members. On the last week of the fourth month, each affiliate member will be sent a request to vote via the portal. The affiliate member will see the BAD collected and be asked “Spend” or “Save”
Upon completion of the vote, all affiliate members will be provided with the results. A majority vote will decipher the route ahead; 1. The BAD will be spent now or 2. The BAD will be saved and carried into the next 4 months.
If the vote decides to spend, each affiliate member will receive a request to select from the following options how they wish to spend
- Affiliate Athlete Sponsorship
- Affiliate Event e.g. competition prizes or a social outing
- Affiliate Equipment
- Raffle
Affiliate Athlete Sponsorship – Several gyms have up-and-coming athletes striving towards making it to the games and representing our country. The members may decide to donate all saved BAD towards their athletes campaign.
Affiliate Event – The saved BADs can be allocated directly towards an event held by the affiliate. Two examples of this: 1. Prizes for an internal competition or 2. A night out for the affiliates to create more memories, like a box Christmas party.
Affiliate Equipment – The members are voting to spend the saved BAD towards any equipment the gym desires e.g. Drag Ropes, Chalk, Echo Bike etc... Upon this vote, the affiliate owners will provide Body Armour HQ direction on what equipment they are choosing to purchase.
Raffle – Each prize comprises of $250 worth of CrossFit relevant vouchers. The amount of BAD accumulated will decide the number of hampers available to raffle e.g. 1000 BAD = 4 individual winners will each receive a hamper. The raffle will consist of selecting the winner from a voting member via random selection.
We Deliver
Quite simply, at the completion of the voting process, Body Armour HQ will use the BADs to get what the members have voted for. Any remaining BAD balance will be carried into the following 4 months.
Where it is required, Body Armour HQ will work with the affiliate owner to conduct the transaction. To ensure complete transparency and integrity of the program BAD will not be transferred to the affiliate owners in cash, instead, they will be used to purchase the voted prize directly from the vendor